I. Thesis: Blacks were segragated in education, and then desegrated from the law passing of Brown vs. The board of education, which lead to an uproar of hatred.
II. Early segrated education
A. Jim Crow
B. Plessy vs. Ferguson
C. Problems with urban public schoolsD. Educational Standards
III. Desegragation in the community
A. Brown vs. The Board of EducationB. Problems with intergrating schools
1. School
a. children
b. women
c. men
IV. Conclusion
I. Thesis: Blacks were segragated in education, and then desegrated from the law passing of Brown vs. The board of education, which lead to an uproar of hatred.
II. Early segrated education
A. Jim Crow
B. Plessy vs. Ferguson
C. Problems with urban public schoolsD. Educational Standards
III. Desegragation in the community
A. Brown vs. The Board of EducationB. Problems with intergrating schools
1. School
a. children
b. women
c. men
IV. Conclusion